Sega has released free software upgrade for its award-winning video racing game Daytona Championship USA.


UPDATE: Sega sent out an email stating that there was a “technical issue” with the downloads so they have had to re-make the links with new URLs. I’ll just re-post the PR that was sent out as it explains how to go about along with the changes made: This is the same software that was running at IAAPA that they were unofficially calling “The Definitive Version” of the game with corrected/improved handling and some other changes. If you own Sega’s new Daytona Championship USA then today the company wants you to know that you can get a free software update for the cabinet right now. Speaking of that, V1.00 for Stern’s Star Wars pinball was released a few days ago but on to the subject of the post here. It seems to be very inconsistent as to what to expect in this regard – excepting pinball where it’s long been a direct download from the website to a USB stick. For a time, some manufacturers offered the updates direct from their website (or at least a way to download the update) but then some removed that ability. It wasn’t too long ago that most were handled by a CD or DVD that your distributor might send your way, although most of the time you had to know about it and request it. Catch Up Mode allows Players lagging behind to level the Playing Field.Arcades and software updates have changed a bit over the years.

‘Live TV’ inspired spectator Video Billboard Marquee with 27” display to to see what’s happening in the race, whether it’s a crash, a pass for position or to find out who’s winning or losing! New game features include a live in-game camera system so you can enjoy maximum bragging rights as you overtake your friends!.Lit from top to bottom, it even has a molded Under Seat Engine. Linkable up to 8 players & 47” LED Screen Get set to burn the rubber on the DAYTONA International Speedway®! Daytona holds the record for attracting the highest number of Repeat Plays in Arcade History.Ladies & Gentlemen, Start Your Engines! The True Arcade Legend is Back! Voted by the Arcade Industry as the BEST DRIVING GAME EVER.DAYTONA is back with the 3 Original Classic Courses remastered in full HD splendour and with 3 BRAND NEW TRACKS too.