So you look at Gang Beasts and it’s ptretty great but really sloppy and you’re tired of it after 30 minutes and your hands hurt. So you look at Dive Kick and you and your friend are just randomly hitting Dive and Kick until someone dies. So you look at Towerfall Ascension and you’re dealing with upgrades and stuff and you don’t wanna deal with that. You go “Hey, I wish there was a game that was simple but really engaging, with finesse but not a lot of rules that you have to learn.” So you look at Nidhogg and you run into the issue where your one friend just always beats you for some reason because he rolls around like a jerk. The only couch arena combat game that just works. It’s extremely solid as a game and I commend the focus on no-online cause it really does shine on couch versus, but there just isn’t enough in this for a full price recommendation in my eyes. My other problem is that there’s just not clear communication with some parts of the game – sometimes you’ll win even if you have less than 10 kills, or a showdown will end and nothing will happen. It’s AMAZING fun, don’t get me wrong, but there’s only so much you can do with two modes, the second of which at first glance isn’t heavily different from the other (Versus and Survival). So much fun, but two major flaws: for a 15 dollar game, there just isn’t really enough. Definitely worth picking up if you usually have 3 friends hanging out and you all feel like battling. The pixel art style and movement is great. Silly competitive fighting game similar to that of say Towerfall. Overall, strongly recommended for a great time with friends. This game is also insanely stylish and polished – every slash, jump and bullet is satisfying and exciting. There is also a ton of game modes and maps that keep the core gameplay fun and engaging: each map brings new twists to the old formula. Yet, there are tons of other subtleties, nuances and the element of mind games that differentiate the skill levels of players. Katana slashes, if timed correctly, can also reflect bullets. The main controls are simply a 4-directional slash with your katana or a gun that only holds 3 bullets with no reloads. Samurai Gunn is a couch gaming gem – incredibly easy to pick up and yet difficult to master as it has a surprising amount of mechanical depth. Senses must be sharp like ancient water crystal dragon blade of life. Death is waiting in every moment of space time continuum. True friendship is tested and turned into furious competitive rivalry. Your timing will determine the speed, allowing for nuanced air control during combat. Slash your sword immediately after jumping, and your momentum will launch you across the screen.